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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

Tom Thane is a character in The Wheel of Time television series portrayed by Petr Simcák.

Tom Thane dances with Egwene al'Vere on the evening of Bel Tine.


Season 1[]

On the evening of Bel Tine, many villagers dance in the center of the village. Tom and Egwene are dancing together when Tom suddenly sputters and falls forward against her. Egwene asks, "Tom?" and then notices the bloodied edge of an axe protruding from his chest. He collapses, revealing the axe the struck him in the back and the Trolloc behind him that killed him. Tom is presumably the first one to die during the attack that night.

Physical appearance[]

Tom is a young man with fair skin and blond hair. He is taller than Egwene.


Tom Thane appears in the following episodes:

The Wheel of Time appearances 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Season 1 episodes



Changes from the book series[]

Tom Thane is an original character for the television series. There is a Two Rivers family named Thane Booklink (book spoilers!) in the book series.



Padan FainLiandrin GuiraleAlanna MosvaniLogain AblarMaksimIhvonMin FarshawLoialSiuan SancheLeane SharifIshamaelVerin MathwinSeleneAnvaere DamodredDain BornhaldAviendhaGitara MorosoMoghedienSeason 1 charactersSeason 2 characterssee all

