The Wheel of Time Wiki

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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

This is a gallery for The Eye of the World, season 1 episode 8 of The Wheel of Time.

Promotional stills[]

These are official episodic stills released by Amazon Studios for promotion of the episode.

The Blight[]

Rand and Moiraine travel through the Blight to Eye of the World, where Rand confronts a man who seems to be the Dark One.

Rand's vision[]

Fal Dara[]

Inside the Fal Dara palace.

Outside Fal Dara[]

Lord Agelmar tries to hold off the Trolloc army at Tarwin's Gap. Nynaeve and Egwene join Lady Amalisa.

The far Western shore[]

Behind the scenes[]

These are official behind the scenes images released by Amazon Studios for promotion of the episode.

Other images released by cast and crew.

Concept art[]

These are official concept art images released by Amazon Studios for promotion of the episode.


Image galleries

see all
