This is a gallery of Nynaeve al'Meara .
Season 1 images [ ]
Season 1 posters [ ]
For poster variations, including international posters, see Season 1/Posters .
Second poster released on Twitter October 7, 2021
First Nynaeve poster, released on Twitter October 29, 2021
Second Nynaeve poster, released on Twitter November 4, 2021
Season 1 promotional stills [ ]
Episode 101: Nynaeve grips her belt knife in the Winespring Inn
Episode 101: Egwene and Nynaeve during Egwene's initiation
Episode 101: Nynaeve speaks to Egwene as Egwene's hair is braided for her initiation
Episode 101: Egwene and Nynaeve about to battle a Trolloc during the attack
Episode 101 BTS: Nynaeve's apothecary (deleted scene)
Episode 101 BTS: Egwene and Nynaeve in Nynaeve's apothecary (deleted scene)
Episode 103: Nynaeve escapes a Trolloc at the sacred pools
Episode 103: Nynaeve gathers herbs in the forest with Lan
Episode 103: Moiraine, Lan, and Nynaeve find the other Aes Sedai
Episode 103 BTS: Nynaeve holds a sword to Lan's throat
Episode 103 BTS: Nynaeve on the ground after being dragged off by a Trolloc
Episode 104: Stepin and Nynaeve sit at the Warder's fire
Episode 104: Lan protects Nynaeve as the Dragon's army attacks
Episode 104 BTS: Nynaeve during the attack
Episode 105: Nynaeve and Moiraine in the White Tower
Episode 105: Nynaeve checks on Mat with Rand
Episode 106: Main cast walking toward the Waygate
Episode 107: Nynaeve traversing The Ways with the group
Episode 107 BTS: Nynaeve in The Ways
Episode 107: Nynaeve and the others contemplate going to the Eye of the World
Episode 107: Nynaeve in the palace
Episode 107: Nynaeve and Perrin on the streets of Fal Dara
Episode 107: Lan and Nynaeve
Episode 108: Nynaege, Egwene, and two others stand with Lady Amalisa outside Fal Dara for battle
Episode 108: Nynaeve and Egwene stand outside Fal Dara for battle
Episode 101: Nynaeve grips her belt knife in the Winespring Inn
Season 1 additional images [ ]
Nynaeve, Prime Video Extras, October 25, 2021
The official emoji used for Nynaeve's hashtags on Twitter, first released on October 26, 2021.
Behind the scenes of Nynaeve's braid, Instagram July 25, 2022
Behind the scenes of Nynaeve's braid, Instagram July 25, 2022
Behind the scenes of Nynaeve's braid, Instagram July 25, 2022
Behind the scenes of Nynaeve's braid, Instagram July 25, 2022
Season 2 images [ ]
Season 2 promotional images [ ]
Season 2 poster, Liandrin and Nynaeve
Episode 201: Egwene and Nynaeve hold a lantern together for
Bel Tine Episode 202: Nynaeve in novice white on the streets of Tar Valon
Episode 203: Nynaeve faces the Arches
Episode 203: Nynaeve looks back before entering the Arches
Episode 203: Nynaeve entering one of the Arches
Episode 203: Lan and Nynaeve embrace
Episode 203: Lan and Nynaeve embrace
Episode 203: Egwene holds a distraught Nynaeve
Episode 204: Liandrin and Nynaeve talk by the Arches
Episode 204: Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne holding lanterns and looking at Liandrin (offscreen)
Episode 205: Nynaeve and Elayne in Falme
Episode 206: Elayne and Nynaeve hold hands while looking out the window
Season 2 additional images [ ]
Behind the scenes showing Nynaeve's hair, from Davina Lamont's Instagram, June 13, 2024
Videos [ ]
Season 1 videos [ ]
Episode 101 clip: Moiraine speaks with Nynaeve
Season 2 videos [ ]
Episode 101 clip: Alanna trains Egwene, Nynaeve, and the Novices
Episode 203 clip: Nynaeve is reunited with Lan
Navigation [ ]
References [ ]