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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

The madness affects men who can channel. After the Dark One corrupted the One Power, whenever a man touches the One Power to channel he also touches the corruption, which causes him to eventually go mad. The madness manifests as hallucinated people who speak to the channeler, and it can eventually result in the afflicted channeler murdering those he cares for.

The term madness primarily refers to the affliction caused by the corruption, but it can also refer to the corruption itself.[1]


Thousands of years before the beginning of the series, men could channel without incident. When Lews Therin Telamon fought the Dark One, the Dark One corrupted the One Power. After that, when men touch the One Power to channel, they also touch the corruption, causing them to eventually go mad. Thereafter, only women could safely channel.

This madness caused the Breaking of the World, also referred to as the Time of Madness, a catastrophic event thousands of years earlier where afflicted male channelers wreaked destruction on the world and caused a global societal collapse.

To keep the world safe and prevent another Breaking, the all-female Aes Sedai find men who can channel and stop them. To do this, they permanently cut the men off from the One Power and their ability to channel, a practice called gentling. Being gentled is depicted as a traumatic and painful experience, and afterward the man loses the will to live. The Aes Sedai see this practice as a necessity, and the Red Ajah are specifically devoted to this task.


Mood and behavior[]

According to Thom Merrilin, after his nephew Owyn started to channel, Owyn had a change in mood and behavior. He "went sour" and started jumping at shadows, and animals were weary around him.[2] Logain has not exhibited these symptoms.

As the madness progresses, the male channeler will eventually kill those around him, including those he cares about. When Lews Therin Telamon went mad, he murdered his wife, their children, and his friends.[3] At the Eye of the World, Rand asks Moiraine if it's true that men who can channel "eventually ... go so mad they kill everyone they've ever loved," and she confirms it's true.[4]


Elusha icon

Logain's hallucination Elusha at his side

The madness manifests as hallucinated people, which only the afflicted male channeler can see and hear. The hallucinations have been shown to encourage the channeler to channel more, and even to kill.[5][2] Logain says he can hear them when he channels, and he refers to them as his past lives.[2]

In one instance, a young man hallucinated an older man who told him to use the the One Power to save them. After being cornered by Liandrin Guirale, the young man asked her to not hurt his companion. When Liandrin pointed out that there was no one else there, the young man looked around and saw he was alone. Liandrin commented that this was an affect of the madness, saying, "The madness already has him."[5]

When Logain Ablar channeled, he had two hallucinations at his side. One was masculine and one was feminine, and the feminine one is named Elusha Salid. They were not fully formed as the young man's hallucination, and instead they looked like the corruption on the One Power. They urged Logain to kill the King of Ghealdan, saying that the King would betray Logain just as his family did, but Logain did not take their advice.[2]


The madness, or the corruption that causes it, can be felt when channeling. After knowingly channeling for the first time, Rand tells Moiraine that he felt the madness.[1]

Onscreen, the corruption which causes the madness is shown as black strands around the One Power as a man channels. This is possibly only visible to the audience.


I knew another lad the same way. Owyn, my nephew. Boy spent half his life getting into trouble, the other half getting out of it, and a good part of mine helping him at both. Then, one day, he went sour. Snapping at family and friends. Jumping at shadows. Animals had their hair up whenever he passed. Nobody could figure out what happened until he threw a rock without using his hands. Mat's got all the signs, lad.
Mat would tell me. He's not an idiot.
Neither was Owyn. I'm a gleeman. Don't you think I've told him the stories since he was a little boy? How at the end of the last Age, the Dark One corrupted the One Power... so men couldn't use it without going mad? And still he lied to me.
— Thom and Rand discuss Mat's symptoms, season 1 episode 4 The Dragon Reborn
Why should I believe you're the Dragon Reborn?
I can hear them when I channel. All of them. Whispers of a thousand Dragons that preceded me, a thousand lives I've led. And they're teaching me how to do better this time. Isn't that why the Wheel turns our spirits out again and again? To learn.
The Wheel doesn't want anything. It can't. Any more than a river or the rain can want something. It's people who want.
What do you want?
I want you to know that the voices in your head... those are the whispers of madness.
— Moiraine stalling Logain, season 1 episode 4 The Dragon Reborn
Every time you touch the Source, it'll take you closer and closer to the madness.
— Moiraine to Rand, season 1 episode 8 The Eye of the World
I felt it. The madness. It's true, isn't it? What they say about men who can channel. That eventually they go so mad they kill everyone they've ever loved.
It is.
— Season 1 episode 8 The Eye of the World
Aes Sedai instructor
Three thousand years ago, Lews Therin and the forces of Light struck the Dark One and sealed him away. Before he was imprisoned, the Dark One delivered one last defiant strike. The Dark One poisoned the source of power for male Aes Sedai. With this, Lews Therin lost his mind. He murdered his beloved wife. He slew his children she bore him. His friends. His court. Everyone. ... But it wasn't Lews Therin alone who suffered. The poison spread. No male Aes Sedai was spared. And so began the Breaking. The Time of Madness.
— The origin of the madness, The Wheel of Time Origins season 1 episode 1 The Breaking of the World
Aes Sedai instructor
When men touch Saidin, it is wild and unwieldy, a raging torrent resisting. And after the Dark One corrupted Saidin, the madness is unavoidable. Tainted upstream, the two cannot be separated.
The Wheel of Time Origins season 1 episode 4 Saidin, Saidar, Stone




  1. 1.0 1.1 Rand says he felt the madness when he channeled, and he's likely referring to the corruption. The Wheel of Time, season 1 episode 8: The Eye of the World.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Wheel of Time, season 1 episode 4: The Dragon Reborn.
  3. The Wheel of Time Origins, episode 1: The Breaking of the World.
  4. The Wheel of Time, season 1 episode 8: The Eye of the World.
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Wheel of Time, season 1 episode 1: Leavetaking.