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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

The Keeper of the Chronicles is the right-hand of the Amyrlin Seat, and is the second highest-ranking woman in the White Tower.

The current Keeper of the Chronicles is Leane Sharif.


The Keeper of the Chronicles is second only to the Amyrlin Seat. The Keeper's duties involves recording important details and laws in the White Tower. She also has the power to rule in the Amyrlin's stead in the case of absence from the Tower. If given charge of Tar Valon, the Keeper is considered to speak for the Amyrlin herself with every decision she makes.[1]

The Keeper only has the power given to her by the Amyrlin.[2] She also has the traditional role of acting as the Amyrlin's herald in the Hall of the Tower, and is by the Amyrlin's side during all meetings in the Hall.[3]

List of Keepers of the Chronicles[]

Changes from the book series[]

The Keeper of the Chronicles is adapted from the position of the same name Booklink (book spoilers!) from the book series.


