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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

High Lady Suroth is a character introduced in season 2 of The Wheel of Time television series.

High Lady Suroth is a Seanchan noblewoman.

This article contains spoilers for events in season 2. Do not read any further if you wish to avoid spoilers for this character.


Early life[]

Suroth is of the Blood, the Seanchan nobility. She is also a Darkfriend, and Ishamael came to her court, claiming to be a Westlander man who could divine omens. This led to the Seanchan preparing for the Return, their great conquest of the Westlands.[1]

Season 2[]

Suroth is leading the invasion of Atuan's Mill, with Ishamael seemingly in her service. Alwhin acts as her Voice, speaking for the High Lady to address the masses. Alwhin executes Uno Nomesta in Suroth's name for his refusal to swear the oaths to Seanchan, and the rest of the town is so intimidated that they all bow before the High Lady. Suroth offers a rare word spoken by herself to demand the allegiance of everyone in Atuan's Mill.[2][3]

Loial and Lord Ingtar Shinowa are successfully captured and brought back to Falme by Suroth's party. However, High Lord Turak, the royal commander of the Hailene, reprimands her for seizing a town that the Seanchan could not hold. Suroth is made to speak for herself, and has her long nails cut to show that she is in a state of disgrace. Ishamel and Padan Fain are also present to meet Turak, presenting him with the Horn of Valere.

Suroth is present to receive Liandrin Guirale at a Waygate outside Falme, where Egwene al'Vere, Nynaeve al'Meara, and Elayne Trakand are delivered to her. A fight ensues after Liandrin departs, and only Egwene is captured by the Seanchan. When she next meets Ishamael, it is revealed that Suroth only went to Atuan's Mill at the behest of the Forsaken. Despite speaking to the Dark One's Chosen, she shows a sense of superiority at being part of the Blood, and is aggrieved to be bearing the brunt of Ishamael ordering her on missions that threaten her standing in Seanchan society. Egwene is eventually presented before Turak, and is collared by Renna.[1]


Physical appearance[]


High Lady Suroth appears in the following episodes:

The Wheel of Time appearances 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Season 2 episodes



  • High Lady Suroth's character was confirmed on July 14, 2023 when the official Twitter account for the series shared an official cosplay guide for the character.




Episode 205, Lady Suroth is disgraced
Episode 205, Liandrin and Suroth, "Kneel to Me"

Changes from the book series[]

High Lady Suroth is an adaptation of the character of the same name Booklink (book spoilers!) from the book series.



Padan FainLiandrin GuiraleAlanna MosvaniLogain AblarMaksimIhvonMin FarshawLoialSiuan SancheLeane SharifIshamaelVerin MathwinSeleneAnvaere DamodredDain BornhaldAviendhaGitara MorosoMoghedienSeason 1 charactersSeason 2 characterssee all

