Transcript for Eyes Without Pity, season 2 episode 6 of The Wheel of Time.
Ihvon: What did you find?
Alanna: A prophecy in the Old Tongue.
Maksim: Lanfear. She's in our world again.
: Can we trust Lan?
Moiraine: Lanfear is famous for her mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod. The World of Dreams.
Lanfear: Finally.
Moiraine: This could be our only chance to find out what he wants.
Min: I won't let you hurt Mat.
Ishamael: You want me to take away your curse? Bring him to Cairhien.
Nynaeve: Your son is dying, you've betrayed your sisters. You're trying to justify yourself to a woman you kidnapped.
: Black Ajah really exists.
Egwene: Do something.
Nynaeve: I can't.
: Where's Egwene?
: [groaning]
Liandrin: The western shore is under attack.
Leane: The Tower has sent sisters to investigate.
: You may need to go west to track the ship's disappearances.
Nynaeve: Who are you?
Ryma: Ryma of the Yellow Ajah. Do you have any idea what these Seanchan do to women who can channel?
Turak's Voice: Collar her. She must be tamed.
The Kennels[]
: [strangled screams]
: [pants]
: [door opens]
: [distant screaming]
: [shouting]
: [panting]
: [coughing]
: [grunts]
Egwene: How did you...
Renna: You cannot hurt me. Any pain a sul'dam feels, her damane feels twice over. Even to death. Your first lesson.
: [panting]
: [shouts]
Renna: The second lesson. The a'dam cannot be removed. Not by you. I am Renna. What's your name?
Egwene doesn't answer. }}
Renna: You know, many sul'dam disagree, but... I believe in cultivating a friendship between sul'dam and damane. What's your name? I will have to hurt you until you tell me, so... it would be easier if you just told me.
Egwene: Egwene. Egwene. [coughs]
Renna: Ah, now that's almost nice. I see no reason not to let you keep it.
Egwene: What is this place?
Renna: Your home. Rest, Egwene. Soon, your training begins.
: [coughing, gasping]
Timestamp: 00:04:41.323
Lanfear: So? Are you going to scream and beg for your life? Try to seduce me? You knew this moment was coming, so what's your game?
Rand: What do you want, Lanfear?
Lanfear: Oh. Not Selene anymore? You of all people should know the importance of the name they choose, Lews Therin.
Rand: I can't believe I trusted you...
Lanfear: What makes you think you can't trust me?
Rand indicates his bonds.
Lanfear: Mmm.
Lanfear: I've been protecting you, you know, these past few months, keeping Ishamael out of your dreams.
Rand: I don't believe you.
Lanfear: You know, this is just what you did in your last life. You think it's so noble, pushing everyone away. "Protecting the people you love."
Rand: You don't know anything about me.
Lanfear: Where are your friends, Rand? Perrin, Mat, Nynaeve? Egwene? You told them all you were dead. Oh, did you think that protects them? It just makes them easier for Ishamael to get to, and now he'll turn them to the Dark so he can control you.
Rand: They would never turn.
Lanfear: I thought that too, once. And who do you trust instead, hmm? Moiraine? The Aes Sedai who's done nothing since you met her but try to deceive and control you? Do you think it's a coincidence that you decided to come to Cairhien, to the one place she still holds influence? That it's a coincidence Logain is there? She's had you dancing on her strings this whole time.
Rand: You know what? If you actually want me to trust you... then do something to earn it. Tell me where Ishamael is. Tell me what he's planning.
Lanfear: Mmm. Well, look at that. There is a little Lews in there. But, if you actually want to work with me... I have one condition.
Rand wakes. }}
Damodred Manor[]
Moiraine: What did she say?
Rand: I have to go.
Moiraine: Where? Did she tell you where...
Rand: No. Away from you. That was her condition. If she sees us together again, she'll kill you. Logain. You moved him to Cairhien, didn't you? So that I'd come here.
Moiraine: Yes, of course. Away from the White Tower, where you'd never be able to see him, where he'd never be able teach you.
Rand: Then I've stayed too long already.
Moiraine: She's a Forsaken, Rand. You cannot listen to her.
Timestamp: 00:08:24.922
: [people cheering, laughing]
: Ah.
: Eh? Now I can see why you wanted to come here.
Min: Mat...
: [roars playfully]
Min: Wait, Mat. Yeah, I think this is a mistake. I think we should go.
: Aah!
Mat: You worried that I'm gonna find another bartender to swoon after? I bet her stories aren't half as good as yours.
: [laughter]
: Give us some of that.
: Come on.
: Where are you going?
Mat: Come on, Min.
: Come on!
Ryma's attic in Falme[]
Elayne: Please stop pacing. They'll hear us.
Nynaeve: I'm not pacing. I'm investigating. Since we've been locked in an attic by someone we don't know.
Elayne: By Ryma Sedai, who is protecting us.
Nynaeve: You really think we should be trusting Aes Sedai right now?
Elayne: I am not the one who got us into this situation. I barely shared a word with Liandrin Sedai. You are the one who--
Nynaeve: I know perfectly well what I did, Princess, which is why I'm going to make bloody well sure that Aes Sedai and her Warder aren't trying to...
: [door opens]
Ryma: I can hear you two bickering from the fruit market.
Ryma: It's all right, Basan.
: They've gone, for now.
: He tends to lecture.
Nynaeve: Elderberry.
: And astragalus.
Ryma: It's abundant in Tear, and was a favorite tonic of mine as a child. That belt. You're a Wisdom.
Nynaeve: I am.
Ryma: So you know the drink is a calming one. I'm hoping we can have a reasonable conversation, Wisdom, about why two young women have run away from the White Tower.
: You can trust me.
Ryma: The shelter of the Aes Sedai sisterhood promises it.
: Tell that to Liandrin.
Ryma: Liandrin Sedai? How is she a part of this?
: She's a Darkfriend.
: She's the one who brought us here, turned us over to those Seanchan.
Ryma: She broke the Three Oaths?
: Every single one.
: But that means...
: Black Ajah.
: It cannot be.
Ryma: If what you say is true... then all of our sisters are in grave danger.
Tar Valon[]
Timestamp: 00:11:14.132
: [Liandrin humming]
Liandrin: Sorry I left you so long.
Lanfear: First one's free. Try it again and I'll flay you alive and feed you to your boy.
Liandrin: How did you...
Lanfear: I've visited your dreams. Mostly for my own entertainment. You have interesting fixations.
Liandrin: Lady Lanfear... Ishamael said he'd freed you, but I...
Lanfear: Tell me, why do you work for him? For Ishamael? You hate men. With one exception, it seems.
: [ragged breathing]
: Oh.
: Please...
Lanfear: What's his name?
Liandrin: Aludran.
Lanfear: Men hurt us... betray us, and still, we love them. You swore your oaths to keep him alive, but this is not life.
Liandrin: I know.
Lanfear: He's holding you back.
: [gasping]
Lanfear: The last tie to the girl you used to be. The girl who was beaten and starved, and forced to marry before she bled.
: I know.
Lanfear: And that's why I'm here, to do what you can't. A gift only one woman can give to another.
: [gasping]
Liandrin: No. [crying] No.
: [breathing stops]
: [shudders]
Lanfear: You swore your oaths to the Dark, not to Ishamael.
: [sobs]
Lanfear: You cannot take them back. It's impossible. But there are many paths to walk through the night.
Timestamp: 00:13:37.150
: [indistinct chatter, laughter]
High Lady Suroth: If we count our wealth in damane, mine is higher than Turak's, is it not?
: [laughs]
: [laughter]
Loial: Treesinging is not...
Suroth: Sing!
: [laughter and chatter stops]
Suroth: For us.
: [low, resonant vocalizing]
: [quiet laughter]
: [vocalizing continues]
: [applause, laughter]
Suroth: I should gift it to Turak. Can you imagine?
: [laughter]
Suroth: Let's decide. How shall I gift it to him?
: [laughter]
Loial: What did you find out?
Ingtar: Turak has a room of curiosities. The Horn's there. It's barely guarded. These Seanchan seem so bound by their so-called honor, they don't even worry about someone stealing it.
Loial: But what of Egwene al'Vere?
Ingtar: There's a place on the outskirts of the...
Someone passes, and they pause until they're out of earshot.
Ingtar: There's a place on the outskirts of the palace complex where they keep the damane. There are far more guards there than around the Horn itself. The Horn is what matters, Builder. We have to...
Loial: We will find a way to get to her.
Ingtar: Loial... they call it "the kennels."
Loial: There is steel underneath that sweet exterior. If anyone can survive that place, it's her.
: [shivers]
: [locks unlatching]
: [screams]
: [shouting]
: [locks unlatching]
: [exhales]
: [grunting]
: [gasping]
Renna: Egwene. A damane cannot touch any object she believes to be a weapon. Not while she wears the a'dam. You will wear this for the rest of your life, however long that may be.
: [grunts]
Renna: It's hard, I'm sure, to have grown up thinking that you were a person, only to realize that you're a damane instead. But you cannot fight what you are, Egwene. Now... Pour me a glass of water.
: [screams]
Renna: We will do no more training until you can accomplish this simple task. You must look at that pitcher and realize that you can't hurt me with it, that you will never be able to hurt me. Only then will you be able touch it. You're strong.And spirited. I can feel your power in the a'dam, even now.
: [grunts]
Renna: They say the strongest damane are the hardest to break. I'll be back tomorrow. Sleep well, Egwene.
: [grunting]
: [shouts]
: [groaning]
Tel'aran'rhiod, Min's dream[]
Timestamp: 00:20:25.016
Ishamael: Your gift could have made you a prophet, rich beyond your wildest dreams. Instead, you're sleeping with fleas and drunks.
Min: I brought Mat here, like you ordered. I've done my part.
Ishamael: And now you want your curse gone, just like that?
Min: That's how it works when you make a deal.
Ishamael: The Dragon is here, in Cairhien. Rand al'Thor. I think you've met. If you want to be free, make sure Mat leaves with him.
Min: You know what I saw, the vision of Mat and Rand. How did you...
Ishamael: Do this last thing, and I promise you, I'll take away your curse.
Min: And if I don't?
Temple to the Forsaken[]
Timestamp: 00:21:34.419
: Here's as good a place to stop as any.
: I'm dying for some tea.
Lan: This is a temple to the Forsaken. Interesting choice.
: Shelter's shelter.
: [wood drops]
Lan: We'll need the Amyrlin's permission for me to return to the Tower. Moiraine's banishment applies to me until our bond is formally removed from Tower records.
: The Amyrlin won't be back for another few days yet.
: She's returning from a visit to Caemlyn.
: Forsaken.
: Do you believe they had powers the Aes Sedai have lost?
: Weaves this Age has forgotten?
: They were the generals of the Dark One's army.
: The things they did, our Aes Sedai would never even consider.
Alanna: What you're willing to do changes depending on what you're faced with.
: [indistinct chatter, laughing]
: [laughter]
Maksim: It's rude to leave while your friends are sleeping.
: Ruder still to use your weapon against them.
: I don't want to fight you.
: Rejection's a relatively new experience.
: You'll have to forgive me for asking, but... where are you going, old friend?
: That is my business.
: Blood feeds blood.
: Blood calls blood.
: Blood is, blood was, and blood shall ever be.
Maksim: Answer the question, Lan.
: Please.
: Do you actually believe...
: We don't know what to believe.
: Because you've told us nothing.
: You risk our lives, Alanna's life, and why?
: We have always supported you.
: But if you are a Darkfriend, sworn to Lanfear, you shall not leave this place.
: I've fought the Dark One.
: Move aside.
: [grunts]
: [straining]
: The Amyrlin did not banish you from Tar Valon.
: You know that.
: You wanted me to tell you where she is. Why?
Lan: I need to find her.
: What do you want from Siuan Sanche?
Lan: It's about Moiraine.
: You will tell us the truth, al'Lan Mandragoran.
: We will kill you were you stand if you don't.
Lan: We found the Dragon Reborn.
Tel'aran'rhiod, Rand's dream[]
Timestamp: 00:25:18.267
: [distorted voice] You will kill...
: [screaming]
: [echoing] I killed them all.
: No.
: [screaming echoes]
: [sword drops]
Ishamael: This is where you're headed. You know that, right? Men who can channel, they lose their minds. And eventually kill everyone they love.
Lanfear: Ishy, dear, if he doesn't want you to be here, then you shouldn't be.
Lanfear: I told you I was protecting you from him. You have to be careful in the Dream World, Rand. You can die here. Oh. And you can travel, too, see the world as it really is. See anyone you want. Talk to them, even. As if you were both awake. I thought about what you said, about the lies I told you, and you're right. I haven't given you any reason to trust me. So let me start now. Let me give you the gift of a dream. Is there anyone you'd like to see?
Rand: Anyone?
Lanfear: Anyone.
Rand: Egwene? Egwene? Egwene.
Egwene: Rand?
Rand: What happened to you?
Egwene: Rand? Rand. Is that you?
Rand: No. What happened to her? Where is she? She... She's supposed to be at the White Tower.
Lanfear: I know where she is.
Rand: Please. Please, Lanfear... Selene. Please, if you ever cared about me, just... please, just tell me where she is. Tell me!
Lanfear: Ishamael has her. I told you he'd get them.
Rand: I'll do anything.
: [gasps]
: [distant screaming]
Falme, The Kennels[]
Egwene: Rand?
Egwene: Pull yourself together. I'm losing it. Come on, come on. [sighs] Pull yourself together.
: [indistinct murmuring]
Egwene: Hello? I can't hear you. Hello? Hello?
woman: Whatever hurt the sul'dam feels, the damane feels twice over.
Egwene: Thank the Light. Do you know where we are?
woman: A damane cannot touch anything she believes to be a weapon.
Egwene: No, no, we are not damane. Can you tell me where we are? Please. What about your name? I'm Egwene.
woman: Whatever hurt the sul'dam feels, the damane feels twice over.
: [indistinct chatter]
Ryma: Girls, I've just spoken to a ship's captain here I trust. He will take you to the Tower. News like this cannot be trusted to a letter. You must go and tell the Amyrlin Seat about Liandrin.
: Tell her yourself. I'm not leaving without Egwene.
Ryma: Basan and I will stay here and do what we can to rescue your friend.
: I'm not leaving.
Elayne: Ryma Sedai, I apologize, but I think you've underestimated both this situation, and the two of us. Neither Nynaeve or I are leaving this city until Egwene is with us.
: Give it here.
Ryma: If you want to rescue your friend, we have to work out how to open this.
: [music box plays]
Barthanes: Am I interrupting? I thought I'd bring you a little something. Has Rand gone? I made him one, too.
Moiraine: He's gone for the evening, and I'm not hungry.
Barthanes: It's just a little bite. Look, don't you remember? When I was a boy, you said that I made the best sandwiches. I said it was because the butter was from a very special cow. Only it wasn't, of course. It's lucky, really, because the cow would be long dead by now surely. I just buttered both sides of the bread.
Moiraine: You can leave it there.
Barthanes: Of course. I'm, um, I'm sorry for intruding.
Barthanes: You're right. As always. It was worth a try though.
: [door opens]
Moiraine: Sister, I haven't slept. I...
Anveare: Sometimes I wonder how we all fell for it. My son worships you. As I worshipped you. As father...
Moiraine: Don't.
Anveare: He asked for you, you know. He was dying, and I was there, holding his hand, and he just kept asking for you. We sent word to the White Tower. You knew that he was dying and that the only thing he wanted was you. You knew. What was so important that you couldn't come home and hold your own father's hand while he left us? I know you never cared for me, but you loved him. You always loved him. What was so important, Moiraine? I want you out of this house and out of this city tomorrow.
Moiraine: I am the eldest sister. I am the Damodred Heir, and this house is mine if I want it. You and your son are here by my good grace.
Anveare: You got none of what made him good, Moiraine. None of it. You are mother, through and through.
Siuan's caravan[]
Timestamp: 00:35:49.690
: [horse neighs]
: [man] Hold up!
: [cart stops]
: [horse squeals]
: [man] Who are you? Slow down!
: [galloping hooves approaching]
: [man] Halt! Halt!
: Halt!
Siuan: Lan? Leave us.
: Mother.
Siuan: What's happened? What is it?
Lan: It's Moiraine.
Cairhien Sanitarium[]
Logain: I knew you'd come back.
Rand: I want you to teach me.
Logain: [laughs]
Rand: Battle weaves. Whatever you used to fight the Aes Sedai.
Logain: I spent years working out those weaves on my own, practicing and practicing. Why do you think I'd just give it away?
Rand: Because you want your life to matter. You thought you were going to save the world, or break it. But then the Aes Sedai gentled you. And now your only chance at making a difference... is me.
Logain: Embrace the Source. You know how to do that, at least, don't you? You need to grab it. You're surrendering to it, boy. That's it. Make it yours. No more pretending, no more hiding. If you want power, you take it.
: Yes.
Logain: Careful, boy, don't take too much. You could burn yourself out.
: Yes.
Logain: Let go, boy, it's too much. Stop! Stop!
Rand: [gasping] There's not enough time.
Logain: Time for what?
Rand: To learn how to use it, to be able to fight.
Logain: With that much power, you can do anything, fight anyone.
Cairhien Foregate[]
Timestamp: 00:38:40.402
: [indistinct chatter]
Mat: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, very much for bearing with me. I cannot imagine that's very easy to part with all your money.
: So this time we are going for all fours, yes.
: Hard eight. Right?
: We gotta see a hard eight right there in the middle of the table.
: Come on, come on, come on.
: So, money in. Yeah. Money in, please.
: All right, that is lovely, lovely.
: Anyone else? Thank you.
: So, we are going for a hard eight, yes?
: [man] Oh, God...
: Mat?
: [others clamoring]
: ♪ ♪
: [both laugh]
: What in Light's name are you doing in Cairhien?
: What in Light's name are you doing in Cairhien?
Mat: And where is your hair?
: Mate, you look bloody awful.
: Wh-Where's everyone else? Are they here? Where's...
: where's Perrin?
: Egwene.
: I, uh...
: Mat, it's complicated.
Mat: It's a good thing I've got nothing but time. All right. Now, this first round is on you, given that you bollocksed up my roll.
Falme, Ryma's Attic[]
Timestamp: 00:40:15.497
: [gulls squawking]
Ryma: Some of their damane can sense when a woman is channeling, so we have to be careful, and never channel if they're near.
: Go ahead, but only a trickle.
Elayne: There's no latch, no seam.
: I've never seen anything like this. It's a ter'angreal.
Nynaeve: Like the Arches.
: Give it here a moment.
: You haven't told us how you got these.
Ryma: At first, there were only rumors. Far-off whispers of strange beasts and channelers kept as slaves. The Amyrlin Seat sent us to investigate these claims for the White Tower. Only after arriving in Falme did we realize how grossly we had underestimated the threat. These people intend to bring the whole world under their empresses' control. Two were killed, along with their Warders. And one was taken.
: They collared an Aes Sedai.
Ryma: Not just an Aes Sedai. A Sitter of the Blue Ajah.
: You were close.
Ryma: My sisters and I did not always agree, but there was no question of our loyalty, to one another and to our purpose. I only have this because my sisters paid for it with their lives.
Falme, The Kennels[]
Timestamp: 00:42:16.117
: [panting]
: [cries out]
: [panting]
Renna: You can't remove it. You can't even touch it without unbelievable pain. You know this.
: [distant screaming]
Renna: Do you want to know who created the a'dam?
Egwene: A monster.
Renna: She was a sister of your White Tower.
Egwene: Aes Sedai don't have slaves.
Renna: What did you do as a novice? They want to curb your power. You know that. To waste your life on parlor tricks. We Seanchan want you to use your power to the fullest extent, the way you were born to.
Egwene: No woman can have power with a collar on her neck.
Renna: Oh, Egwene. You are not a woman. You are a damane, and a powerful one. I hope they told you at your White Tower just how special you are. Come with me.
: [groans]
Renna: See? It feels better when we are complete, doesn't it? Look to the tree, Egwene. I know it brings you comfort. Reach out to it. Search for its roots. You found them. Good. Now keep going, through the roots into the flesh of the tree. Feel the sap running through its branches. Let it grow warmer and warmer in your mind. Make it so hot it begins to steam. Now turn that steam into fire.
Timestamp: 00:45:24.139
Renna: Huh. That's how it's supposed to feel. This is the power we are meant to wield, Egwene. Did you feel it? Our affinity? Here, pour yourself some water. You deserve it.
Renna: Pour the water, Egwene.
: [cries out]
: [panting]
: [sharp groan]
: [crying out]
Falme, Ryma's attic[]
Timestamp: 00:46:37.337
Nynaeve: If we don't find Egwene before the ship captain leaves, you should go.
: Ryma's right.
: The Amyrlin needs to know about Liandrin.
Elayne: And the three of us will tell her.
Nynaeve: You have responsibilities. For Light's sake, you're the Daughter-Heir of Andor.
Elayne: Oh, now that you have the chance to get rid of me, now I'm the Daughter-Heir.
Nynaeve: Why are you risking everything for someone you barely know?
Elayne: She's my friend. I've never had one of those before.
Cairhien Foregate[]
Timestamp: 00:47:31.599
: Come on, you gonna tell me where the others are, or what?
Rand: Last year, when I thought I'd defeated the Dark One...
Mat: Sorry, yeah, it's just still crazy to me when you say things like that.
Rand: I left... I left them behind. Egwene, Perrin, Nynaeve, all of them. Mat, they think I'm dead. I thought it would protect them. I thought... I don't know. I thought everyone would be better off without me, safer.
Mat: No. We're not better off without you, Rand. I promise you that.
Rand: We're not better off without you either, Mat. But now he has her. Ishamael. He has Egwene, in Falme. And I know they want me to go there. But if I don't go, what happens to her then?
Mat: So, we go. But there's one thing I've got to do first. A lady's heart I've got to break, in fact.
: I will meet you at the gate in an hour.
Rand: Mat. You don't have to come with me.
: I mean it.
Mat: Yes, I do. Who else is gonna keep you from becoming an arrogant prick? Hmm? Dragon Reborn.
: An hour.
: I will be there.
: [clears throat]
Mat: Mini-Min-Min. Min? You got company? Should I be jealous? Min?
Min: Come in.
Mat: Wow. [chuckles] Who pissed in your drink and charged you twice?
Min: You know I'd only pay double for the best.
: Hmm.
Mat: And that is how I'll remember you. Incredibly low standards, but never for booze.
: [mug clinks]
Mat: Guess who I just ran into. My mate, who I've been telling you about. He's here.
Min: You can't go.
Mat: I haven't told you that I'm leaving yet.
Min: I saw it.
Mat: What? No. No, no, no, no, no. I've already told you I...
Min: You kill him. You kill Rand.
Mat: No. No.
Min: Yeah, with that dagger. The ruby on the golden hilt.
Mat: No.
Min: In Falme. That's where he wants you to go, right?
Mat: No. No. How do you know Rand? You. You set me up.
: No.
: Yeah.
: And that's why we're here.
: No.
: Because of him.
Min: I didn't mean to. I didn't know that I...
Mat: For how long? Since we left? Mm, no. Before we met.
Min: I'm sorry.
Mat: I... I genuinely thought you were my friend.
Min: I am. I am. That's why I'm telling you. You don't know what this is costing me. You kill him, Mat. If you love him, stay away.
Damodred Manor[]
Timestamp: 00:51:50.775
: [door closes]
Moirine: Ah, Jhonas. This letter needs to be delivered to Anaiya Sedai, of the Blue Ajah. She'll get it where it needs to go.
Jhonas: Of course, milady.
Barthanes: Aunt Moiraine.
Moirine: Barthanes, I owe you an apology. The truth is I've been a terrible visitor and a worse aunt. I do remember your sandwiches were, and are, very good. I think you'll make a wonderful king, Barthanes. Kind and thoughtful. A king to make our house proud. Oh.
Anvaere: The Amyrlin Seat is here, in Cairhien, with 14 Aes Sedai, and she's demanded an audience with you.
Timestamp: 00:53:16.027
Liandrin: The last time the Amyrlin Seat called 14 sisters to meet with her in Cairhien, we installed a new king on the Sun Throne.
Siuan: Well, maybe this Amyrlin is a little more frivolous daughter.
: Hmm.
: We'll have to wait and see.
Timestamp: 00:53:48.434
: [indistinct chatter]
: [bell tolling]
Rand: Alone it is.
Rand: Lan.
Lan: I'm sorry. I can't let you leave.
Ryma: Nynaeve, can you help us? We need a little more power.
: But if one of us channels more, they might feel it.
Nynaeve: I can't control it like that.
Ryma: Don't think about it. It's the same as when a patient comes to you. You don't have to decide to help, you just help them.
Nynaeve: I-I didn't mean to use so much. I'm sorry, I...
Ryma: It's all right. What did you feel?
Nynaeve: It needs to be healed. The only way it can be healed is to be put on a woman. It's the only way it'll be complete. It can't be broken.
: [knocking]
Ryma: Basan. That means the damane have found us.
Nynaeve: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
Ryma: You'll do as I say. Do not expose yourselves. They have come to find a channeler, and I will give them one.
: Ryma Sedai, no.
Ryma: Free our sisters. Can I trust you, Wisdom, to take my ring to the flame?
: You can't do this.
Ryma: Can I trust you, Nynaeve? Sister.
: Yes.
Renna: Pour the water, Egwene. Aren't you thirsty?
: [groaning]
: [distant screaming]
: [cries out]
Renna: Pour the water, Egwene.
: [indistinct chatter]
: [screaming, shouting]
: [shouting, grunting]
Renna: Pour the water.
: [calls out]
: [pained cries]
Renna: Pour the water.
: [grunting, gasping]
: [choking]
: [Basan shouts]
: [gasps]
: [cries out]
: We have to help her.
: If we do, we can't help Egwene.
: [gasping]
Renna: Nothing exists outside this cell for you, Egwene. Nothing outside this door, beyond these stones. Nothing except this pitcher and my empty cup.
: [shouting]
Ryma: Do it.
Basan: I can't.
Ryma: Don't let them take me. Do it. Do it!
: [grunts]
Ryma: Basan! [whimpers]
Renna: My cup. That's the size of your world, Egwene. That's it.
: No!
: [chanting]
Renna: Pour the water... that's the size of your world... [echoing] that's the size of your world...
: [screaming]
Renna: Pour the water, Egwene.
Timestamp: 01:00:54.610
: [gasps]
: [coughing]
Timestamp: 01:01:08.540
: [pained cries]
: [wailing]
Renna: It will never be a weapon. You can never hurt me. You will never leave me. Pour.
: [grunting]
: [breath quivering]
Renna: Good girl.
Renna empties her cup on the floor. She leaves the room. Egwene stands until the door closes, and then collapses and drinks heavily from the pitcher. She screams out, sobbing.
In the room next to her, a woman sits -- it's the Aes Sedai Maigan, in a damane dress and collar, sitting against a bed in a room similar to Egwene's.
Maigan: Don't cry. You lasted longer than I did, child. And I was a Sitter of the Blue Ajah.
Transcripts |
Season 1 |