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Moiraine: I haven't 'cause that is Lanfear, most dangerous of the Forsaken. Hurry!
Timestamp: 00:01:02
Seanchan ships lower their sails outside Falme. In the palace courtyard, High Lady Suroth approaches High Lord Turak. Ishamael and Alwhin walk at her sides, and behind them walk Ingtar Shinowa and Loial. The court is full of Seanchan nobles, with the sides of the heads shaved and shaded by umbrellas held by their da'covale (servents). The Seanchan guards stand at attention.
Alwhin: High Lord Turak, royal commander of the Hailene...
Turak's Voice: Lady Suroth will speak for herself before the High Lord.
Suroth: As the High Lord commands.
Turak's Voice: You disobeyed an order. You invaded a village without permission.
Suroth: But I've brought back a Ogier slave, a Shienaran Lord, and--
Turak's Voice: By what right do you claim to make decisions over your Lord Commander?
Suroth: [sighs] Perhaps my lord made a mistake.
The crowd of Seanchan nobles gasp. Ishamael looks sharply at her.
Turak: I do not make mistakes. I am guided by the Light. We have a mission: uniting all the people of the world under our empress to fight the Shadow. A mission you have carelessly jeopardized by seizing a village too far beyond our current reach. A village we cannot hold.
Suroth: I beg my lord's forgiveness.
Turak's Voice: Lady Suroth, you are barred from this court's council until you are once again presentable. Kneel.
Suroth: [scoffs]
Ishamael: [softly] Kneel.
Lady Suroth extends her nails and kneels. A soldier draws his sword and strikes her nails, breaking them. Alwhin is shaken. Suroth gasps. The nobility all look uncomfortably away.
Turak's Voice: Take her to her chambers.
Soldiers step forward to sieze her, but Suroth raises her hands and they stop. She rises and leaves.
Ishamael: My lord, one more thing. A gift from the village we captured. I know you are a collector of ancient things.
Padan Fain steps out, carrying the chest with the Horn of Valere. He saunters up to Turak. Ingtar and Loial exchange a startled look.
Fain sets the chest before Turak, who licks his lips and opens it.
Turak: With this... the whole world will be ours.
Title sequence.
Kinslayer's Dagger[]
Timestamp: 00:05:44
Moiraine and Rand run through the woods.
Rand: Why are we running? You killed her.
Moiraine: That wound will barely slow her down. Hurry.
Back at the cabin, Selene/Lanfear lays in a pool of blood. Choking and gasping, she touches the wound on her chest. Black specks cross the whites of her eyes.
Selene: Bitch.
Darkness flows over her like liquid. She gasps deeply and sits up, fully healed. She grabs her cloak and leaves the cabin. Lightning flashes outside.
Rand: I don't understand. She's a Forsaken. How did she...?
Moiraine: If we survive tonight, I'll explain everything. There.
They run to a stables and begin untethering the horses. A stablemaster walks in.
Stablemaster: Oy! Oy! Payment first.
Moiraine: I'm commandeering your fastest horses on behalf of the Amyrlin Seat and the White Tower.
Stablemaster: There's no way I'll let you just take my horses.
Moiraine: You're coming with us, and if they are not saddled in two minutes, I swear you will regret this night for however much longer your life lasts.
The stablemaster gasps and gets to work saddling the horses.
Moiraine: There are four horses. I cannot give her a way to follow us.
Moiraine steps up to a horse and slices its throat. The horse squeals and collapses. Rand looks horrified.
Later, Moiraine, Rand, and the stablemaster gallop down the road.
Selene arrives at the stable and sees the dead horse.
Lanfear: Clever.
An older man on horseback arrives on the road behind her.
man: Good evening, my lady. Do you need help?
Lanfear: Yes, actually. So polite of you to ask. Where does this road lead?
Lanfear twists power in her hand and the man's head explodes. His body falls off the horse.
Lanfear: [sighs] A horse. Is there anything slower than a horse?
Lanfear taks his horse and gallops down the road in pursuit of Rand and Moiraine.
Scene: Toman Head[]
Timestamp: 00:09:14
Elyas and Perrin walk through the woods at night.
Perrin: My eyes. Will they change like yours permanently?
Elyas: In time. Soon, if you're lucky. Man-eyes can't pick out deer in tall grass, can't see cliffs ahead at night. Useless. Like everything else we're born with.
Perrin: You must miss civilization sometimes.
Elyas: I miss beer.
Perrin: [scoffs] Not much fun drinking alone.
Elyas: I'm never alone. Now, neither are you.
Perrin steps up to the edge of the path and looks through the darkness and sees...
Perrin: What? That's Atuan's Mill. That's where we were when those soldiers came. We're not following the caravan. We're going the opposite way. You lied to me.
Elyas: Better than being dead... or a slave.
Perrin: Oh, like my friends?
Elyas: They're not your pack. Neither are the humans from the Two Rivers. Neither was your wife.
Perrin: No, no, no, you don't know anything about my pack!
The wolves come out and surround them, softly snarling and growling.
Perrin: I'm going to find my friends. I don't care who has them.
Elyas: You can't run from what you are, boy.
Hopper looks at Perrin and whines softly. Perrin turns and walks away.
Road to Tar Valon[]
Timestamp: 00:11:31
Moiraine, Rand, and the stablemaster's three horses continue galloping down the road toward Tar Valon.
Lanfear gallops in pursuit, passing a stone marking the locations.
After she passes, Moiraine and Rand step out of hiding behind another stone.
Moiraine: It'll be a day or two before she discovers the truth. If we're lucky.
Rand: [sighs] I knew. Somehow, I knew you'd be back. Tell me the truth. All of it.
Moiraine: You did not defeat the Dark One at the Eye of the World. You set his strongest lieutenant free... Ishamael, the leader of the Forsaken.
Rand: But the Forsaken... they were trapped.
Moiraine: By you... in your last life, and now Ishamael is loose, and he has released Lanfear.
Rand: And the rest of them?
Moiraine: If he releases them all, well, then, we have no hope of winning the Last Battle.
Moiraine and Rand begin in the opposite direction.
Atuan's Mill[]
Timestamp: 00:13:08
Hopper catches up with Perrin and gets Perrin to follow him back toward Atuan's Mill, which is across the river.
Perrin: I told you. We're not going back to that town. We need to work out where they took Loial and Ingtar and...
Hopper whines. Perrin sniffs the air and looks back toward Atuan's Mill. He has a vision of Uno's body in a cage.
Perrin: Uno... They didn't even bury him.
Perrin looks back at Hopper.
Perrin: But you wait for me here.
Hopper whines softly and lies down as Perrin takes a boat and crosses the river.
At Atuan's Mill, Perrin quietly pulls up his boat and finds several hanging cages holding the dead. One cage holds a Seanchan soldier. He finds Uno's cage and looks around. He picks up a hammer and prepares to bust open Uno's cage. A woman's voice stops him.
Perrin looks over and sees an Aiel woman in one of the cages.
Aviendha: Don't want them to hear you.
Perrin approaches her. He's stopped by a man's voice.
Dain: I wouldn't get too close. Last man who touched her cage had his arm broken and practically ripped off. You can't trust an Aiel.
The man places a skin of water on her cage. He's wearing a large brown cloak.
Dain: Some water for you.
Perrin: What did she do? Did the Seanchan put her in here?
Dain: You've met the strangers. There's a curfew. You'll have to stay the night. Come. Show you the closest excuse for an inn this town has to offer.
Dain leads Perrin toward the inn. Perrin looks back at the Aiel woman, who uncorks the waterskin and takes a drink. Perrin continues walking with the man.
Dain: Atuan's Mill doesn't see too many visitors.
Perrin: Just passing through.
Dain: Looks like Two Rivers work. But you're on the wrong side of the Mountains of Mist.
Perrin: What was that you said earlier about strangers?
At the inn, Perrin and the man have a drink together.
Dain: Barkeep, another round.
Perrin: What did she did do? The Aiel woman?
Dain: She wandered into the wrong town at the wrong time. Don't try to help her, Two Rivers. She's past that now. You understand me?
Perrin nods. A dog comes out of the inn and runs up to Perrin. The barkeep chases after her.
Barkeep: Come here, Lady. Lady, come here! Sorry, sir. She's... She's never like this.
Perrin turns to the dog, Lady, and she places her paw on the back of Perrin's hand. At the sound of indistinct talking behind him, Perrin turns to see Whitecloaks in the town. One addresses another as "Child".
Perrin: Actually, I'll see that room now, please.
Dain leans back to address the barkeep. His brown cloak parts, revealing that he's wearing the uniform of the Children of the Light.
Dain: Barkeep, make up a room for our new friend.
Barkeep: Yes, of course, Child Bornhald.
Perrin: Thank you.
Barkeep: Lady, come.
Perrin gets up to follow the barkeep and Lady inside the inn.
Dain: I hope you find your way back home, Two Rivers.
Lady: [whines]
The barkeep leads Perrin through the inn.
Perrin: What happened to the previous owner, Missus Amudee?
Barkeep: She followed the caravan that took her granddaughter.
Perrin: And the Whitecloaks?
Barkeep: They pushed out the Seanchan a couple days back. But truly, we were better off before. Oh, once you swear their oaths, they leave you alone, more or less. The Questioners, though...
Lady: [whines]
Perrin can hear men talking outside through the window.
Valda: She was to be given nothing, Child Bornhald.
Perrin: Shh.
Dain: It took 11 of your Questioners to take her spears and another five to cage her. She'll take double that number before she submits to any of your... questions.
Valda: You think it's a coincidence that we find Aiel this far west of the Spine at the same time these strangers invade from the sea? The more questions I ask, the more answers I get. The strangers have established a base in Falme. It's there that we will push them back into the sea.
The floorboards creek and Perrin moves back from the window.
Valda: Who's there?
Lady: [barking]
Dain: Don't worry, Valda. No wolves here.
Valda: Heavy is the suckling child. The day will come when your father's name will not save you, Dain Bornhald.
Valda leaves. Perrin exhales.
Road to Tar Valon[]
Timestamp: 00:19:29
Thunder rumbles over the White Tower in the distance. Lanfear races her horse down the road. She stops when she catches up to the Stablemaster, who has stopped to rest with the three horses.
Lanfear: Where are they?
Stablemaster: Who?
Lanfear: The woman and man traveling with you.
Stablemaster: Oh. They told me to race the horses to the Tower as fast as I could, even though that's not good for them. That amount of riding without a break, even though I've been train--
Lanfear: Stop talking. Whose idea was it? This little trick?
Stablemaster: The Aes Sedai's. The young man, he seemed to be half in a daze, only following--
Lanfear: Of course he was. He's still so young. I must remember that. She's more ruthless than I imagined, using you as bait. Well, eventually, they'll have to sleep, won't they? Then I'll have them.
Stablemaster: Very good, my lady. I'll not tell nobody you were looking for them.
Lanfear: Oh, I know you won't.
The Stablemaster's mouth begins to sew shut, her shouts muffled behind her sealed lips. Lanfear gallops down the road.
Tar Valon[]
Timestamp: 00:21:00
A cloaked rider enters the city gates at night. With the White Tower in sight, she lowers her hood -- revealing Verin.
In the White Tower Library, Verin enters. Yasicca turns from her writing and gasps. Nyomi, who is sitting on a coach, smiles excitedly and gets up.
Yasicca: You're back, Verin! For how long? Why?
Yasicca hugs her.
Verin: Can't a retiree pop in without an ulterior motive?
Yasicca: Absolutely not.
They part and Verin holds her arms out to Nyomi and they hug.
Verin: Nyomi.
They part and Verin reaches into her skirt pocket and pulls out a bottle.
Verin: Ah. I come seeking knowledge from our Great Library and the company of my Sisters of the Brown Ajah.
Nyomi: My goodness, it is wonderful to see you. Shall I open this?
Yasicca takes a drink. She makes a face like it's harsh, and they laugh.
Yasicca: How goes The History of the World After the Breaking? Are you making progress?
Nyomi: Oh, and Tifan's Well! We've been meaning to visit, but there's just so much to be read.
Yasicca: Tell us where you've been, where you're going, everything.
Verin: Yes, yes, all in good time, Yasicca. Adeleas says I am not to return without gossip in exchange for her heady brew. Oh. So... I hear we have some new and very powerful novices?
Verin picks up a piece of food and takes a bite.
The Ways[]
Timestamp: 00:22:41
A fire is lit on a path in the Ways. Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne are all unconscious with their hands bound. Nynaeve wakes.
Liandrin: You're shielded and bound. I'd warn you not to try anything, but...
Nynaeve struggles.
Nynaeve: How did you attack us with the One Power? You broke the Three Oaths.
Liandrin: I've broken many more than that.
Liandrin: Do you know why the Aes Sedai swear the Three Oaths in the first place? A thousand years ago, a great king threatened to burn the Tower unless we bound ourselves with the Oaths. [laughs softly] Our power didn't frighten him as much as our humanity. That's why the White Tower has so many rules and rituals and formalities. If we look inhuman and predictable, like the tides, men won't measure themselves against us, have to tear us down.
Nynaeve: You weren't recruiting me for the Red Ajah, were you? You were recruiting me for him.
Liandrin: It would make what's to come easier for you.
Nynaeve: I'll die before I join the Dark. No matter what you do or say, or where you take us.
Liandrin: Every woman has her price. A burden she can no longer carry, or a... a hope for a future... impossible in this world.
Nynaeve: Your son is dying. You've betrayed your Sisters, and you're sitting in the dark trying to justify yourself to a woman you kidnapped. Was your price worth all this?
Timestamp: 00:25:11
The doors to Suroth's rooms are opened and Suroth, Ishamael, and Alwhin enter.
Ishamael: Alwhin, leave us, please.
Alwhin leaves.
Ishamael: Finished pouting?
Suroth: You're the one that wanted to go to that filthy fishing village. For what? An Ogier, or your pet wolf?
Ishamael: My desires are my own.
Suroth: But I'm paying the price. We should just kill Turak and be done with it!
Ishamael: And plunge the empire into civil war? It seems your stupidity is second only to your inability to control your temper.
Suroth: It's my army you need for your war. My ships, my leashes. You may be Chosen, but you are not of the Blood. You are here at my invitation.
Ishamael: And I know why you swore your oaths to the Dark.
Suroth: I forget myself, my lord.
Ishamael: Tarmon Gai'don, the Last Battle, will be won right here, in Falme, written in the skies above this city. The Dragon will join us. I have a gift for you, too. They should be here shortly.
Suroth tries to pull her hand back, but Ishamael holds her securely a moment, before letting her hand go.
Atuan's Mill[]
Perrin looks out the window of his room and sneaks out. He heads for his boat, passing the cages, but he stops before leaving. He turns back to look at the Aiel woman in the cage. He unties the rope holding her cage up.
Perrin: Hold on.
Once untied, he carefully lowers the cage to the ground. He pries open the cage door.
Perrin: Are you all right? Think you can walk? Look, we should get going. But we won't get very far if I have to carry you.
Aviendha: One wetlander puts me in a cage. Another takes me out. Why do you help me?
Perrin: People shouldn't be in cages.
Aviendha: My name is Aviendha. Of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Far Dareis Mai. My water is yours.
Perrin: Um, I'm Perrin Aybara.
Aviendha chuckles softly. Perrin hears voices in the distance.
Perrin: Look, we need to go now.
As they head away, they stop as Whitecloaks step into their path. The Whitecloaks draw their swords.
Dain: I told you not to help her.
Perrin: We don't want a fight. We just want to go our own way.
Dain: I'm sorry. Attack all at once on my signal. One at a time, and she'll have you.
The Whitecloaks surround Perrin and Aviendha. Perrin moves to shield Aviendha to protect her. She laughs and steps out from behind his shielding arm.
Aviendha: Perrin Aybara... do you like to dance?
Aviendha pulls up a veil to cover the lower half of her face. Dain raises a hand in signal to his men, and with a flick the Whitecloaks attack. Aviendha deftly fights off multiple men. Perrin punches another picks up an axe to fight, his eyes turning golden. Dain enters the fight and Aviendha knocks him down. She disarms him and is about to strike him down with his own axe when--
Perrin: Wait!
Aviendha stops just before the kill strike, and looks at Perrin confused.
Perrin: He gave you water. He helped us, remember?
Dain: What are you?
Perrin: Let him go. Now. The rest will come down on us. We have to hurry.
Perrin and Aviendha leave.
Timestamp: 00:31:58
It's snowing in Cairhien. A bell tolls. Rand and Moiraine walk quickly through the inner city.
Rand: She'll know we're here.
Moiraine: We need food, clothing, and fast horses. Then we'll ride for a few days, put some distance between us.
Rand: Sleep, we'll need sleep eventually.
Moiraine: No. That is the most dangerous thing we could possibly do.
Rand: What are you talking about?
Moiraine: Lanfear was famous for two things among the Forsaken. Her casual cruelty and her mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Rand: Tel'aran...?
Moiraine: The world of dreams. She can hurt you just as easily there as here. And the moment you fall asleep, she will have you.
Rand: You can keep us awake with the One Power. Right?
Moiraine pauses outside a door and looks back at Rand.
Jhonas: She's in the kitchen, but... but, uh, your nephew's with her.
Rand: Nephew?
Moiraine goes into the kitchen, where Anvaere and Barthanes are with a cook. A variety of dishes are spread on a table.
Anvaere: Oh, good, you're back. And you've brought a friend.
Barthanes: Aunt Moiraine. [chuckles] I-I could hardly believe it when Mother said you were here. It's... it's been 20 years.
Moiraine: I think you were as high as this table the last time I saw you.
Barthanes: You... you... well, you look almost exactly the same.
Anvaere: If somewhat bedraggled. I'm imagining you didn't come back for the royal wedding tasting?
Barthanes: Come on, Mother. She's got better things to do than pretend she can taste the difference between raspberries and thimbleberries. You must be my aunt's Warder.
Rand: I'm not a Warder.
Moiraine: This is... Rand.
Barthanes: A pleasure, Rand. I'm, uh, Barthanes Damodred. And this is my...
Anvaere: We've met.
Moiraine: We need horses, two. Coursers, if you have them.
Anvaere: I'll have them brought to the house. We have a whole stable of the very best. A gift from the queen.
Barthanes: And you must come to wedding. It's just a few weeks away. Can you believe that I will be marrying Queen Galldrian? [playfully] Now that makes me your king. So I shall expect full subservience.
Moiraine: It's a happy match, I hope.
Anvaere: The name Damodred is held in high esteem. That is happiness enough.
Moiraine: Well... I shall go and wash upstairs. Perhaps a meal for Rand in the meantime. And then some fresh clothes for him before we leave?
Barthanes: Yes, of course. We'll find him something fitting from my wardrobe.
Moiraine: Thank you.
Barthanes: Is that... blood?
Moiraine: It truly has been good to see you, nephew. Or... should I say, My Liege.
Moiraine playfully curtsies to him before leaving. Distracted from his question, Barthanes smiles at her.
Sheriam's Study[]
Sheriam writes in her ledger at her desk. A Novice dusts on the other side of the room. The door opens and Verin enters.
Verin: Oh. [laughs] Heartening to see the dust on that switch, sister. Suffice to say, my backside still recalls Sereille Sedai's heavy-handed punishments, centuries after the fact.
Sheriam: Why, Verin Sedai. I was unaware you'd be visiting us.
Verin: No need to stand on my behalf. I grow weary of all the formality. You're making me feel old. [chuckles]
Sheriam: Uh, what can I do for you, Sister?
The Novice leaves. Verin and Sheriam both sit.
Verin: I was hoping to have a word with two of the girls in your care, Egwene al'Vere and Nynaeve al'Meara. Do you know where I might find them?
Sheriam: Uh, they are likely busy doing their chores.
Verin: In fact, they aren't. Nor are they in their class, nor in their rooms. And, um, also the Daughter-Heir of Andor is nowhere to be found. Is it possible they may have left Tower grounds?
Sheriam: The Daughter-Heir?
Verin: It's worth taking a look, don't you think?
Sheriam: Oh.
Sheriam looks back through her ledger.
Sheriam: Oh, goodness, yes. Here it is. A visit to Elayne's home in Caemlyn. The three were signed out just the other day.
Verin: That seems worth remembering.
Sheriam: It is. I, um... I don't know how it slipped my mind, frankly.
Verin: It's quite unusual.
Sheriam: That it is. But it appears the three were accompanied by a force of Queen Morgase's soldiers, so I'm sure all's well, and we will hear from Caemlyn in a few days' time.
Verin: Yes, I'm sure. Oh, yeah, I have another question for you. I was in the library asking after a book, Meditations on the Kindling Flame?
Sheriam: Oh, yes, I've been meaning to return it. It's in my room, actually. Do you need it?
Verin: Just for a short passage on the Amyrlin Tetsuan, uh... if you could.
Sheriam closes her ledger and both women get up and leave the study, closing the door behind them. The room is quiet for a moment. Then the door opens and Yasicca sneaks in and looks at Sheriam's ledger.
White Tower Library[]
Timestamp: 00:37:51
Yasicca and Verin sit on a couch in the library study. A plate of mostly-eaten food sits on the table and Yasicca is drinking from a small cup.
Yasicca: Now this is where my eidetic memory comes in handy. On the 72nd page is the notation about the three girls' departure, apparently to attend Elayne's brother Gawyn's name day ceremony. But the interesting thing is that there is a slight tremor in the notation.
Verin: Show me.
Yasicca: See, this is Sheriam's usual writing.
Verin: Mm-hmm.
Yasicca: But here... it looks as if her hand was moving more slowly. [gasps] Or perhaps it was someone trying to mimic her handwriting?
Verin: No, Sheriam remembered making the notation herself.
Yasicca: Mm.
Verin: Do you think it might look like this... if a weave of Compulsion was being used?
Yasicca: Compulsion? That would break the Three Oaths. It would mean that someone in the Tower has sworn to the Dark. That... Black Ajah really exists.
Verin: We need to find the name of every Aes Sedai that left the Tower for any reason over the past few days.
Yasicca nods.
Falme Waygate[]
At an oasis outside of Falme, a Waygate is overgrown with vines. The Waygate opens and Liandrin comes through with Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne unconscious and thrown over horseback. She approaches Lady Suroth, seated on her palanquin and surrounded by her guards, da'covale, damane, and sul'dam. The guards approach her and remove the girls from the horses and set them down by a tree. Liandrin approaches Suroth.
Suroth: We expected you hours ago.
Liandrin: The Ways are unpredictable. I had expected our master to meet me himself.
Suroth: Our master has more important things to do than play fetch with his dog.
Liandrin: What you do to these women is an abomination. Perhaps the Seanchan should learn proper respect for the One Power.
Suroth: On the contrary, we respect the One Power so much, we don't believe that anyone should wield it by accident of birth. Our sul'dam train for years to prove themselves worthy. They earn their right. Unlike the Aes Sedai. Our master's needs will change with time, you know. And all marath'damane will be leashed eventually. Perhaps I will be the one to place the collar around your lovely throat.
Liandrin: Our master's needs will change. I'll remind you of it... on the day you kneel to me.
Liandrin heads back to the Waygate. She passes Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne, still unconscious and bound. At the entrance to the Waygate, she looks back at Suroth.
Liandrin: [whispers] If you last that long.
Liandrin discreetly weaves a thread of the One Power in her hand. The girls all wake, and Nynaeve's bonds burn through, freeing her. Liandrin gives her a small smile before leaving. The Waygate entrance shuts behind her.
Suroth: Bring them to me.
The damaneMiri approaches with her sul'dam and the guards.
Egwene: [to Nynaeve] Do something.
Nynaeve: I can't.
Elayne channels a blast of lightning that strikes the ground before their enemies. The guards cry out.
Nynaeve: Run!
As the girls run, Miri channels explosions at them. Egwene channels a shield to block the attacks. The girls run through the thick foliage. Miri and the sul'dam continue after them. Nynaeve and Elayne run into a clearing and look behind them, and Nynaeve looks around.
Nynaeve: Wait. Where's Egwene?
Egwene is bound on the ground, with two damane holding her with the One Power. Egwene struggles in vain.
Toman Head[]
Timestamp: 00:42:53
Daytime, Perrin and Aviendha have stopped to make a fire and eat. Hopper eats raw meat while Perrin and Aviendha cook theirs. Aviendha treats a wound on her leg.
Aviendha: You do not dance the spears badly, Perrin Aybara.
Perrin: I thought your people never left the Waste.
Aviendha: Wetlanders call it "the Waste." It is the Three-Fold Land. A shaping stone to make us, a testing ground to prove our worth, and a punishment for the sin.
Perrin: What sin?
Aviendha: Nobody remembers, it was so long ago.
Perrin: Why did you leave?
Aviendha: I'm searching for the Car'a'carn. Our... chief of chiefs.
Perrin: So where are you going, then?
Aviendha: Where you go, wetlander.
Perrin: But you just said that...
Aviendha: I have toh.
Aviendha: Toh?
Aviendha: Ji'e'toh is the Aiel way. You saved my life. My water is yours.
Perrin: Don't know about that.
Aviendha: It is not a lover, wetlander. Though, I... would not be opposed. [laughing] Ah. Don't worry, Perrin of Two Rivers. I will not attack you in a fit of lust.
They both chuckle.
Aviendha: So... where will we go now?
Perrin: Falme.
Aviendha nods.
Timestamp: 00:44:41
A caravan of camels, horses, and carriages approach the city gates. Nynaeve and Elayne walk among them, wrapped in shawls and carrying baskets. Once inside the gates, the place their baskets on the back of a cart and move among the market. Elayne looks around.
Elayne: This city... it's Falme on Toman Head. We're thousands of miles west of the White Tower, Nynaeve.
Nynaeve: Falme. That's where Liandrin said Perrin and Loial were being taken.
Elayne: Wait. Don't draw any attention to us. They're gonna be looking for us. We need to be careful.
The man stands from his table and walks after them. Elayne looks at the soldiers that are walking the streets.
Elayne: These soldiers, they're not from Falme. Or Toman Head. They're foreigners. Occupiers.
Nynaeve: I don't care where they're from. All I care about is finding Egwene and getting out of here.
The soldiers shout in the distance, and Elayne and Nynaeve move into an unoccupied area to hide. Nynaeve quickly gets back out on the street.
Elayne: Stop. You're gonna get us both killed. First we need to change our clothes.
Nynaeve: Our clothes? Not fancy enough for you?
Elayne: Those soldiers at the Waygate were looking for us. They will still be looking for us. Here. Follow me.
Nynaeve: I'm not taking orders from you, Princess. I don't even know you.
The man comes up behind them and Elayne has just enough time to see him in alarm before he knocks them both out against the stone walls.
White Tower[]
Timestamp: 00:46:50
Liandrin walks through the White Tower corridor with a knapsack.
Verin: Sister! Ah, you've returned.
Liandrin: Looks like I'm not the only one. Is your incredibly long and dry History done already?
Verin: I, um, I thought you were in Jurene hunting a young man suspected of channeling.
Liandrin: Luckily it was nothing.
Verin: Hmm.
Liandrin: But I did bring back some white asparagus. If you'd like some. It's a delicacy from the village. You can only--
Verin: Procure them there and only at this time of year. Yes.
Liandrin: What did you say had brought you back to the Tower, Sister? Can't have been white asparagus. Though I know you love to eat.
Verin: [chuckles softly] No, I'm, um... I'm hoping to meet a couple of our novices. Girls with quite some power, if I've heard correctly. Egwene al'Vere and Nynaeve al'Meara.
Liandrin: Yes. Quite extraordinary. Especially the Wisdom. An Accepted already.
Verin: Sadly, they're not here.
Liandrin: That's strange. Novices shouldn't be allowed to...
Verin: Well, they've, uh... they've gone to a name day ceremony in Caemlyn.
Liandrin: I'd heard on the road back that a royal envoy going to Caemlyn was attacked south of here.
Verin: By whom?
Liandrin: Uh, a soldier at the inn. He said it was... bandits or Whitecloaks. But if the girls were with them... Come, we must talk to the Keeper immediately. Those girls are worth more than gold itself. Hurry.
Verin looks consideringly at Liandrin as she walks down the corridor.
Damodred Manor[]
Timestamp: 00:48:35
Moiraine washes the blood off herself in her room. With a knock, Anvaere enters.
Anvaere: The horses are being saddled downstairs. And if I asked you to tell me how you and that boy ended up in this state?
Moiraine looks at her and doesn't answer. Anvaere nods. She takes the washcloth from Moiraine's hand.
Anvaere: Turn.
Anveare wipes Moiraine's back.
Moiraine: I'm surprised you're not downstairs prying the answers you seek from Rand.
Anvaere: Barthanes encouraged me to leave it alone.
Moiraine: Oh, well, he always had a kind heart.
Anvaere: Yes. Somehow my son came out more like our father than either you or I. I know you won't tell me what's really going on with the boy or why you're really here. But I know you, Moiraine. Your whole life, you've always known what you wanted to do. Yet now, I'm looking at you, and I don't think you have any idea what you want to do next, despite all this bluster.
Moiraine: Rand, he... He needs protection. And I don't know whether I can provide it. Not from what's chasing him. And there's every chance that you, Barthanes, and this entire city will be caught in the crossfire if I make the wrong choice.
Anvaere: You should have stayed away.
Moiraine: I know. [inhales deeply, shudders] I know.
Anvaere: When I was a little girl... I got an excellent piece of advice once from my very smart, much older sister. She told me that if something is upsetting you or making you afraid... you ask yourself one simple question. Is it true? Can you know, beyond any doubt, that it's true? Can you know, beyond any doubt, that Rand needs your protection?
Moiraine considers for a moment. An idea comes to her and she looks at her sister.
Moiraine: It was excellent advice, wasn't it?
Anvaere smiles, pleased.
Anvaere: I've used it often in the last 40 years. Whatever danger you've unleashed or encouraged... it means the world to Barthanes that you've returned. Even if you cannot stay.
Moiraine: Perhaps I can.
Timestamp: 00:52:17
Rand sleeps on a bed. Ishamael, lying next to him, caresses Rand's face. He moves closer, so his face is right next to Rand, their noses almost touching.
Ishamael: [speaking Old Tongue] Are you playing in my dreams again Lanfear?
Rand fades away, revealing Lanfear, who's grinning and chuckling.
Lanfear: How'd you know?
Ishamael: [Old Tongue] Subtlety's never been your strength.
Ishamael gets out of the bed and goes to get a drink from the table. Lanfear stretches and the lights in the room come up and she also gets out of the bed.
Lanfear: I just have to pass the time here while I'm waiting for someone to get some shut-eye.
Ishamael: [Old Tongue] People blame us for 'breaking the world' but they didn't bother to pick up the pieces. Three thousand years later and they're still bashing about with swords and queens.
Lanfear pours a drink and raises it in a toast.
Lanfear: [Old Tongue] To the past.
Ishamael: [Common Tongue] To the future. After our Great Lord's victory.
They clink glasses and drink.
Ishamael: I assume Rand learned the truth about your innkeeper act. How did you tell him?
Lanfear: I didn't. Moiraine did. I'm surprised you let her live in the first place.
Ishamael: A dead Aes Sedai is useless.
Lanfear: And one without power isn't?
Ishamael: Desperation opens the mind to more... interesting choices. As it did for you.
Lanfear: Mm. Aren't you worried I'll betray you?
Ishamael: Will you?
Lanfear: Obviously.
They both chuckle. Ishamael takes a drink from Lanfear's glass.
Ishamael: Do you know why the Great Lord woke me first? Why he speaks only to me?
Lanfear: Because... Moghedien's insane, Graendal's a vain idiot, and the boys couldn't execute a plan even if they were under Compulsion.
Ishamael: Because, alone of all the Chosen... I actually believe in the Dark. I believe the only way to stop all this suffering... is to stop the Wheel itself. Stop everything.
Lanfear: So why release me?
Ishamael: Because I know what you want. What you've always wanted.
Ishamael turns back to the bed, where Rand now lies again. He's awake and looks down the bed at them.
Lanfear: You're getting better in the dream world.
Ishamael: I've had nothing if not time. How does the current Dragon measure up to his predecessor?
Lanfear: Rand is... softer. Takes no pride in his birthright and rejects his own power. And what about the girls? Is your little Aes Sedai pushing them along their way?
Ishamael: I've only just collected them. But one craves power and the other one fears it.
Lanfear: And the boys?
Ishamael: Well, Mat was born mine, and Perrin will soon be more wolf than man. What do you think Rand will do when he sees his friends are all lost?
Lanfear: He will break.
Da'covale: [muffled voice] My lord.
Lanfear: Time for you to go.
Da'covale: My lord.
Ishamael wakes in his room. A da'covale stands beside him.
Da'covale: I'm sorry, my lord. The High Lord Turak wishes an audience with you.
Ishamael nods.
Turak's court[]
Ishamael stands in the palace courtyard. Alwhin, Ingtar, and Loial stand behind him.
Turak: You are not of the Blood.
Ishamael: I am not.
Turak: Or even of our land. Where is it that you're from? No Westlander has ever set foot on our shores.
Ishamael: I left my home so long ago, I barely remember it.
Turak: And yet you've moved quickly in our society. Appearing seemingly out of nowhere in Suroth's court. And it was you, was it not, who first saw the omens that led us to begin the Return to our ancient homeland?
Ishamael: My lord, my eyes are too low to see such things. Only our empress, in her Court of the Nine Moons, can see and know the omens for what they are.
Turak: With this... you've earned my notice. You may ask one thing of me.
Ishamael: The High Lady Suroth has a gift for you. I beg only you receive it in good faith.
The attic[]
Nynaeve wakes on a bed in a fire-lit room. The sleeves of her Accepted dress have been torn off.
Nynaeve: Elayne?
Elayne wakes. The door opens. A woman approaches them, and the man who knocked them out is with her.
Nynaeve: Who are you?
Ryma: Ryma, of the Yellow Ajah.
Ryma shows them her Great Serpent ring which she's kept hanging on her belt.
Ryma: And my Warder found you just in time. The High Lady Suroth has put out your descriptions, and everyone in this city is looking for you. Do you have any idea what these Seanchan do to women who can channel?
Nynaeve and Elayne share a look.
Turak's court[]
High Lady Suroth approaches Turak. Behind her, two sul'dam drag a woman in a grey dress with a silver veil covering her head. She stands by Ishamael and Alwhin.
Suroth: I have brought you a gift, my lord.
The sul'dam drop the woman to the ground. One of the sul'dam lift her veil, revealing Egwene.
Suroth: She was a novice being trained at the White Tower. My sul'dam say she has more power than any damane we've seen in a very, very long time.
Turak's Voice: Collar her. She must be tamed.
The sul'dam lift Egwene to her feet, and one of the sul'dam, Renna, places a collar around Egwene's throat. The collar locks into place with the One Power, and expands to form a chest plate. A strand of the One Power flows from the collar to Renna's cuff bracelet, and Egwene collapses to her knees, crying out in pain. Renna then places a physical chain leash on the back of Egwene's collar.
Damodred Manor[]
Timestamp: 01:00:05
In the kitchens, Rand and Barthanes play a card game at a table. Rand is wearing new, clean cloths. He rubs tiredly at his eyes.
Barthanes: What is it? Are you sure you don't want to get some sleep?
Moiraine enters and Rand looks up at her.
Rand: Time to go?
Moiraine: No, actually. We're staying.
Moiraine takes Rand to a guest bedroom.
Rand: You said I can't sleep or she'll find me.
Moiraine: Yes. She will.
Rand: You want her to.
Moiraine: She's been with you, what, two, three months now? If she wanted to hurt you, she's had ample opportunity. But she hasn't. What does she want?
Rand: I don't know. If you'd asked me a few days ago, I would've said she wanted me. To be with me.
Moiraine: Stories from before the Breaking are vague, because so much has been lost. But every single one that mentions Lanfear agrees that she loved the Dragon Reborn. And that he loved her, before he met his wife.
Moiraine: Only after he broke her heart. She swore her oaths to the Dark to try to get him back.
Rand: And, what, you want to make her think she has? You want me to pretend to be in love with a Forsaken?
Moiraine: Lanfear is working with Ishamael. This could be our only chance to find out what he wants.
Rand: She'll see right through it.
Moiraine: Maybe. Maybe. She might.
Rand: I don't know. Whatever she is, I don't think everything between us was a lie.
Moiraine: It's your choice, Rand. I mean that this time.
Rand walks over to the bed.
Moiraine: I'll stay here. If it seems as if she's hurting you... I'll wake you.
Rand: And if you fall asleep? You're exhausted.
Moiraine: I don't have that option.
With a sigh, Rand lies down on the bed and closes his eyes--
--and wakes up in Tel'aran'rhiod, tethered to a large stone wheel on an epic vista. Across from him, sitting on a stone throne in an elaborate black outfit, Lanfear looks at him.