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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

Crimsonthorn is a plant in The Wheel of Time television series. Crimsonthorn roots are used as a herb and can be deadly, but when it's diluted it can ease pain.


Crimsonthorn is a plant with bright red roots. The roots are kept as a herb used by healers such as Wisdoms. When diluted, crimsonthorn can ease pain. Undiluted, it causes a painless death.


Season 2[]

When Liandrin Guirale takes Nynaeve al'Meara to the Yellow Ajah healing house, Nynaeve identifies the crimsonthorn herb on sight. Nynaeve initially thinks it's going to be used to kill a young girl patient, but an Accepted tells her that they dilute it to help ease pain since the healing is so uncomfortable. Liandrin discreetly takes the bottle of crimsonthorn while Nynaeve and the Accepted are focused on the healing.[1] Liandrin later visits Aludran and she uses the crimsonthorn to make a tea for him. Nynaeve, who had discreetly followed her, tells her that the crimsonthorn won't help with his pain. Liandrin yells at her to get out, and then apologizes to Aludran because she didn't know it would hurt him.[2]

When Nynaeve has a vision of her family in the first of the three arches, she is holding crimsonthorn roots in her hand. Nynaeve's father sees her and is alarmed because it is deadly. He helps Nynaeve thoroughly wash her hands in the river and reminds her of how deadly it is. In Nynaeve's vision in the second arch, a plague has hit the Two Rivers and Natti Cauthon is giving crimsonthorn to those infected, including Tam al'Thor. Natti defends this by saying, "It's a painless death."[3]


Crimsonthorn appears in the following episodes:

The Wheel of Time appearances 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Season 2 episodes


Crimsonthorn root. You aren't going to...
Of course she's not. Breakbone may be a death sentence where you come from, but here, it's easily healed.
We dilute the crimsonthorn. Takes the edge off the pain. But the Healing is still quite uncomfortable.
— Season 2 episode 2 Strangers and Friends
What are you doing here?
The crimsonthorn, I... I thought you were trying to kill him. I thought he was a man who could channel. I...
Walk away from this place before I do something we both regret.
He's in pain.
You think I don't know that? I can't heal him.
His hand. It's spasming. Means the pain is in his heart, too. The crimsonthorn won't help with that. He'll still be hurting when you go. You need turmeric milk to help smooth the inflammation.
— Season 2 episode 2 Strangers and Friends
You have to be careful, sweetheart. Herbs can be dangerous. There. That should do it. Don't forget. Crimsonthorn roots are poisonous. Remember, red is dead.
— Nynaeve's vision in the first arch, season 2 episode 3 What Might Be
Who gave you these herbs?
The Wisdom.
Natti Cauthon? Why does Tam call you Wisdom?
You've been gone a long time, Nynaeve.
You don't understand what these herbs can do.
You abandoned us. I may not be a Wisdom, but I'm the one who stayed. It's a painless death.
— Nynaeve's vision in the second arch, season 2 episode 3 What Might Be


Changes from the book series[]

Crimsonthorn is an adaptation of the herb of the same name Booklink (book spoilers!) from the book series.

  • Color - In the books, the shavings of crimsonthorn root are white.
  • Type of death - In the books, crimsonthorn causes a terrible death: it paralyzes the individual's muscles, causing them to slowly asphyxiate, and they remain awake during it. It can take hours.

