The Wheel of Time Wiki

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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

The Battle of the Shining Walls, also called the Blood Snow, was the final conflict of the Aiel War.[1]


The Battle of the Shining Walls ended the over two year-long conflict between the Aiel and the Westlands when the King of Cairhien, who had started the war by violating the truce, was killed by the Aiel.[1]

During the battle, Tigraine Mantear, a heavily pregnant Maiden of the Spear, defeated several of the Illianer Companions, but was mortally wounded by a solider. She began to deliver a baby, and was spared by the Second Captain of the Companions, Tam al'Thor. He helped deliver her child, who was in fact the Dragon Reborn, and after she died, adopted her son as his own.[2]




Episode 7 opening scene of Tigraine in battle, uploaded by Prime Video UK

Changes from the book series[]

The Battle of the Shining Walls is adapted from the event of the same name Booklink (book spoilers!) from the book series.

  • In the books, the Battle of the Shining Walls is not directly depicted, it is only referenced.
  • In the books, Tigraine had already given birth and died when Tam found her and the baby.

External links[]

