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The Wheel of Time Wiki
The Wheel of Time Wiki

The a'dam is a device used to control channelers in the series The Wheel of Time. It is a ter'angreal collar and bracelet set. The collar is placed on a damane (female channeler) and the bracelet is worn by a sul'dam, which allows the sul'dam to control the damane. It is the way the Seanchan empire enslaves women who can channel.


The Seanchan empire enslaves all women who can channel by using the a'dam to control them.

The a'dam consists of a collar which appears to have no opening or latch, and a bracelet.[1] The collar will open to be placed on a damane, and once placed it will expand to cover the woman's shoulders and upper chest and back. The bracelet is worn by the sul'dam and connected with the One Power.[2] Nynaeve and Elayne also learn through experimentation that the collar can be placed around the neck of a sul'dam; whether this has any particular effect is yet to be determined.[3]

The damane wearing the collar is unable to hurt their sul'dam. Attempting to do so, or to pick up an object to use as a weapon, causes immense pain to the damane. Any injury that is taken by the sul'dam is felt by the damane twice over.[1]

Attempting any of the following actions will cause a damane immense pain to prevent her from doing them:[1]

  • Removing the collar. When Egwene reaches to the collar to remove it, her hands seize up in pain.
  • Touching the bracelet. When Egwene reaches for the bracelet on the wall, her hands seize up.
  • Hitting her sul'dam. Egwene tries to punch Renna in the face, but she is knocked back in pain before making contact.
  • Picking up any object to use as a weapon. Egwene is unable to pick up a pitcher of water because she imagines throwing it at Renna to attack her.

There is a sensation when the bracelet and collar are linked. According to Renna, "it feels better when we are connected."[1]



The a'dam was created by an Aes Sedai.[1]

Season 1[]

When the Seanchan invade the Western Shore, they use damane in the attack, and all the damane are wearing the collar and their sul'dam are wearing bracelets.[4]

Season 2[]

When Egwene al'Vere is captured by the Seanchan, she is presented as a gift to High Lord Turak. His voice orders her to be collared. Renna, a sul'dam, places the collar on Egwene.[2]

As Egwene is in captivity, she learns the boundaries of what she can do while wearing the a'dam.[1]


You can't remove it. You can't even touch it without unbelievable pain. You know this.
— Renna to Egwene upon seeing Egwene struggle with the collar, season 2 episode 6 Eyes Without Pity


Changes from the book series[]

The a'dam is an adaptation of the ter'angreal of the same name Booklink (book spoilers!). Some change from the book to the TV series include:

  • Color - In the books, the a'dam is silver, while in the TV series it's gold.
  • Bracelet attachment - In the books, the traditional a'dam has a physical leash attaching the collar and bracelet, although the physical leash isn't necessary for the a'dam to work. In later books, the physical leash is removed in some occasions. In the TV series, the physical leash has been removed from the start; while a separate physical leash is sometimes attached to the collar, this is not part of the a'dam.
  • Solid - In the books, the collar is flexible. In the show, it's solid metal.

